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Birth Injuries in Georgia ,

Birth Injuries in Georgia

You do all you can during your pregnancy to make sure your developing baby is safe and growing properly. You get your checkups, take your vitamins, eat well and exercise carefully per the doctor’s guidance. While most births follow a carefully planned process for a safe delivery, unfortunately, birth injuries do happen, often causing life-long suffering and disabilities and even infant death.

Birth Injuries Causes

Sometimes trouble in pregnancy can indeed occur with natural complications before or during birth. The National Library of Medicine report reveals that nearly 50% of birth injuries related to avoidable incidents stem from the actions of medical professionals, often related to instrument-assisted vaginal births. Birth injuries in Georgia that often happen related to preventable causes include:

  • Delaying birth by force
  • Delayed Cesarean sections
  • Improperly administered or incorrect drugs for the mother
  • Failure in use or wrong application of delivery techniques and protocols, monitoring of patients, or the fetal heart rate in the delivery room
  • In the birthing or delivery room – Use of forceps or other tools
  • Lack of sufficient oxygen to baby’s brain aka Asphyxia
  • Incorrectly chosen or improperly performed medical procedures

Preventable Injuries Which Can Result from Medical Malpractice and Negligence

Some of the most preventable injuries include:

  • Skull injuries
  • Brain damage
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Erb’s Palsy – Brachial Plexus injury
  • General or limb damage – Paralysis
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Wrongful death

Such tragic outcomes usually start with a healthy mother and baby. Birth should be a time of joy and safety. Families have a reasonable expectation that medical professionals and birthing centers are prepared for possible complications and will properly detect and deal with adverse or dangerous conditions. It’s the hospital’s responsibility to care for and protect both mother and baby.

When birth injuries occur due to negligence or actions of medical personnel, families should be fully compensated according to Georgia law. Though Conley Griggs Partin LLP knows there’s no way to make up for a lifelong complication or the loss of a child, we’ll fight to see that your family gains the full legal compensation available for your damages and injuries. Don’t go through this tragedy alone. If you are struggling through consequences from a tragic birth incident and suspect hospital negligence is indicated, please contact us for a free consultation.

Posted on behalf of Conley Griggs Partin LLP

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