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Dangerous Atlanta Traffic ,

Dangerous Atlanta Traffic

The holiday season means an increase in all sorts of traffic throughout the US. Vendors have an uptick in business for catering and delivery; people are driving their personal cars more – not just to work and school, but also to shops, parties, and on road trips to see family. And of course, there are more trucks on the road delivering packages of gifts, goodies, and increased store inventory, in addition to the increasingly regular boxes of paper towels, soap, and detergent that people get in subscription to certain online retailers!

If you live near and drive on an interstate or freeway at all, you know how heavy the Atlanta semi-truck traffic is in December!

In addition to the heavier traffic, there is also an increase in the number of accidents that occur, both on service roads and highways. This includes accidents involving a tractor-trailer. The sheer size and weight of the semi-truck makes these wrecks more dangerous; according to the NSTSA, accidents involving a tractor-trailer are more likely to involve multiple cars and to cause serious injury and fatality.

Who Is at Fault?

If you’ve been in an accident with a big-rig, it can be tricky jumping through the hoops for insurance. No one wants to claim fault for the incident, but there’s enough blame to go around for the driver and the shipping companies involved. To get to the bottom of it and reach a settlement, you’ll need legal assistance.

Contact the Atlanta office of Conley Griggs Partin Attorneys at Law, LLC. Our team can help facilitate a settlement or lawsuit, so you get the financial and emotional closure you deserve!

Posted on behalf of Conley Griggs Partin LLP

Big Rig Riding Down the Road