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Public Swimming Pool Injuries and Drownings – Who’s Responsible? ,

Public Swimming Pool Injuries and Drownings – Who’s Responsible?

In the summer of 2017, the number of fatal swimming pool drownings of children in the nation was 163. Unfortunately, Florida topped the list with the highest number of fatal child drownings in swimming pools. Even when victims survive, a significant number of drowning victims require prolonged hospital stays or suffer severe brain damage.

Many of these drownings and injuries in public swimming pools could have been prevented with proper safety precautions. Property owners and managers who neglect swimming pool safety carry the liability for resulting deaths and injuries. This is referred to as premises liability.

Types of Public Swimming Pool Injuries

Drownings are the most common cause of death or injury in public swimming pools. However, there are other types of severe injury which can occur in a public pool environment.

  • Spas and Hot Tubs: The high temperature of the water in spas and hot tubs can be dangerous. Children can overheat quickly in a spa or hot tub. Public swimming facilities are required to warn consumers of this risk to protect children and sensitive adults.
  • Neck and Head Injuries: A large percentage of serious injuries in swimming pools are a result of diving into the pool. Neck and head injuries can be very traumatic with long-term consequences. Every pool should be properly posted with warnings of diving dangers.
  • Suction Drain Injuries: The powerful suction of pool drains can cause severe and disabling injuries if proper maintenance and safety protections are not in place.

Premise Liability Lawsuits

The losses suffered as a result of a pool injury or drowning can be horrific for the victim and their family. They range from disembowelment, to spinal injury, to death. Property owners are responsible for keeping their pools and spas safe for the public. This includes preventing access by unsupervised children, or from the public in general, when hazardous conditions exist. Public pool operators are also responsible for making sure safety rules and warnings are clearly posted. When pool owners or operators fail in these responsibilities and harm occurs, they are liable for losses incurred.

Premise Liability Attorneys Who Will Fight for You

We have witnessed the sorrow and pain of many families who have experienced the unnecessary tragedy of a swimming pool injury or death. If you or a loved one has suffered a preventable injury at a public swimming pool, we want to help you and protect your future. Give us a call for a free consultation.

Posted on behalf of Conley Griggs Partin LLP

Lawyers at Conley Griggs Partin LLP in Atlanta GA