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Who Is Liable If I’m Injured at a Public Fireworks Display? ,

Who Is Liable If I’m Injured at a Public Fireworks Display?

Fireworks are popular throughout the nation and across the State of Georgia, and they’re frequently deployed at large community events and sports events. July 4th, in particular, is a popular holiday for fireworks. Some large venues like theme parks employ fireworks shows almost nightly. But what happens when you suffer an injury at a public fireworks display? Who is liable for your injuries?

The American Pyrotechnics Association reports that over 10,000 fireworks-related injuries occurred in 2022. How many of those were incurred at a public fireworks display is not clear, but it is known to happen. If you were injured recently at a summertime public fireworks display, you need to seek legal counsel. Conley Griggs Partin LLP can help you determine who is responsible for your injuries and pursue compensation for your losses.

Public or Private Entity Sponsoring the Show

Public or private entities that sponsor public fireworks displays are responsible for the safety of every attendee. If the process of discharging the fireworks doesn’t go as planned, resulting in the injury of people at the event, then the public entity in charge of the event could be held liable. They may be at fault because:

  • Poorly chosen location or setting for the show
  • Inadequate barriers, borders or efforts to keep the public at a safe distance
  • Inadequate crowd control
  • Poor choice in a pyrotechnic company (amateurs vs. non-professionals)
  • Failure to secure the proper permits

Professional Fireworks Operator

Only a licensed and insured professional pyrotechnics operator should perform public fireworks displays. And even then, mistakes can happen. The operator could be liable for your injuries if they were negligent in their preparations and handling. This could include the following:

  • Fireworks were charged too close to spectators
  • Performing the fireworks show in windy conditions
  • Poor equipment maintenance
  • Other negligent actions

Fireworks Manufacturer

The manufacturer of the fireworks could be the liable party. This could be true if:

  • The firework product malfunctions
  • The product was poorly designed or manufactured
  • There are inadequate warnings on product use

Personal Injury Claims in Atlanta, GA

Determining who is at fault for your injuries at a public fireworks event depends on how the accident happened. The experienced legal team at Conley Griggs Partin LLP can investigate the matter and sort out the facts to determine liability for a Personal Injury lawsuit to help you cover the costs of medical care, time off work and other losses.

If you were injured at a public fireworks display or event in Atlanta or southern Georgia, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We are happy to listen to what happened and offer seasoned advice about your options. Our personal injury cases are handled on a contingency-fee-basis, meaning we only get paid when we win you compensation.

Posted on behalf of Conley Griggs Partin LLP

fireworks in the night sky