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Brain Injury Lawsuits

The brain and nervous system are susceptible to damage and injury when exposed to certain chemicals and agents. When a chemical or fumes from a product are toxic, they can cause permanent brain injuries that can negatively impact a person’s life or even cause death. Manufacturers of products have an obligation to protect their customers from harm. When exposure to a product causes brain or nervous system injuries without warning, the manufacturer may be liable for injuries under product liability laws.

Many chemicals are known to cause injury to the brain or nervous system. For example, toluene is used in many solvents and can cause temporary, permanent and even fatal injuries to the brain. The fumes are dangerous when directly inhaled, causing toxic encephalopathy which can cause memory loss, cognitive dysfunction, fatigue, behavioral changes, seizures, muscle dysfunction and depression. Products containing known toxins should have clear instructions on how to use them safely to limit exposure and include warnings of injuries that can occur with exposure.

Toxic Chemical Exposure Brain Injuries

Manufacturers of products are responsible for limiting risks of injury to their customers. Regulations for testing products for safety need to be followed to ensure using these products will not pose a risk to consumers. When manufacturers sell products containing toxic chemicals without warning labels or proper instructions for safe use, this negligence can lead to serious injuries. A product liability lawsuit can recover compensation for victims with nervous system or brain injuries caused by exposure to unsafe products.

Many brain injuries caused by toxic exposure are irreversible and can result in extensive medical costs, rehabilitation, lost wages and other damages to victims and their families. If your family has been harmed due to a brain injury caused by an unsafe product, contact our team at Conley Griggs Partin LLP to discuss your claim. If we accept your case, we will work on a contingency-fee basis, only receiving payment when we recover funds in your case.