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Business Dissolutions Lawyer

Ending a business partnership or dissolving a business may be complex, involving many factors. Whether it is a small business partnership, LLC or corporation, business dissolutions may result in business disputes and legal issues that can impact the business and the financial well-being of the individuals involved. Negotiating favorable options for all parties can be difficult and may require the legal finesse of an experienced business lawyer.

When multiple entities are involved in business ownership, dissolution can involve financial and personal disputes. It is likely that partners or owners in a business have a long-term relationship, and all entities have invested time, money, effort and ideas into the company. Changes to the business can involve complete dissolution, selling ownership to a partner or selling to a third party. In any form, the dissolution can cause disputes that need legal intervention to ensure equitable resolution.

Protecting Your Investment During a Business Divorce

Business dissolutions are often called a business divorce, aptly named as it may involve many of the same attributes of dissolving a marriage. Assets must be divided depending on the contribution of the partners and both sides have their rights to protecting their investments. Businesses are not only financial investments. One partner may have contributed the majority of the financial assets, while others inputted time, experience and knowledge to the businesses’ success. When dividing assets, all factors of investment must be considered during the business dissolution.

At Conley Griggs Partin LLP, we understand that business dissolutions are a significant decision for everyone involved. However, it is our mission to obtain the most favorable outcome for our client and protect their investment in the business. We offer our legal expertise to negotiate the best terms for our clients undergoing business dissolutions, regardless of the size or structure of the business. Contact our team to schedule a consultation to discuss your legal needs during the dissolution of your business.