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Client Commitment

Conley Griggs Partin LLP routinely looks for ways to streamline the way we service our clients. We are one of the few law firms that owns and operates an Evidence Storage Facility. Evidence is retained and stored here until it is needed for mediation, trial or appeal. Preserving such evidence is crucial to a successful outcome in a case and also provides easy access for experts’ inspections and consultations. Our Evidence Storage Facility is conveniently located an hour from the firm’s Atlanta office allowing our cases to progress as efficiently as possible and includes a state-of-the-art meeting room. The firm also employs a pilot and owns a plane, which provides a more efficient and cost-effective means of travel for our attorneys, clients and expert witnesses. Our company plane allows us to quickly attend out-of-town meetings, depositions and site visits and, in many cases, eliminates additional travel expenses for the firm. Contact us today to schedule a consultation regarding your case.