Continental Tire Failure Lawsuits Injury Lawyer
Although Continental AG is a German-based tire manufacturer, they are still required to meet the safety standards issued in the U.S. for their American tires. Unfortunately, this has not always been the case, with many defective Continental tires causing injury and fatality accidents over the years. Continental has paid millions of dollars in lawsuits to victims who have lost loved ones or sustained injuries caused by defective tires they designed and manufactured.
Tire failure is a serious issue, causing thousands of injury accidents every year. While some tires fail after excessive wear or poor maintenance, others can blow out due to manufacturer defects. Continental Tire has been found responsible for creating defective tires that have led to serious auto accidents. One lawsuit in 2007 involved only the vehicle with a defective Continental tire, yet resulted in four deaths, one leg amputation and another family member injured. Continental Tire settled the lawsuit for the case confidentially, as the tire that caused the crash was under recall for defects.
Dangers of Defective Tire Failure
Continental Tire is not alone in facing tire failure lawsuits due to injuries and fatalities caused by defective tires. Almost every tire company has had to recall some of their tires due to defects, usually after accidents involving the tires are reported. Defective tires from Continental and other brands can spontaneously have tread separation and blowouts, causing drivers to lose control of their vehicles. Rollover crashes and collisions can result, causing severe injuries and deaths.
If you have recalled Continental tires on any vehicle, you should have them replaced immediately. For those that have recently been injured due to an accident caused by a Continental tire failure, it may be possible to seek compensation for your injuries. Contact Conley Griggs Partin LLP to discuss your case during a free consultation at one of our offices in Georgia.