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Aviation / Airplane Accidents

Federal Tort Claims Act Claims Lawyer

When an injury or fatality accident occurs due to fault of the federal government or one of their employees, there are legal options for victims. Under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) of 1946, citizens or other individuals can bring legal action against the government for injury, loss of property or wrongful death, requesting monetary compensation. Some incidents the FTCA covers includes:

  • Car accidents involving an on-duty federal employee
  • Aviation accidents involving an on-duty federal employee or aircraft
  • Medical malpractice at a Veterans hospital
  • Injuries within federal buildings – premises liability

While it is possible to make a claim against the federal government under the FTCA, this is not a simple matter. Federal employees and facilities are immune to lawsuits, and the matter must be taken against the federal government. An administrative claim must be filed, usually within two years of the accident/injury. The agency involved has the opportunity to pay the claim in full or deny the claim. If the claim is denied, an FTCA lawsuit can be pursued in federal court.

Lawsuits Against the United States Government

Not all attorneys handle FTCA claims or lawsuits. The process is long and expensive, and the case must be handled in federal court. However, due diligence by an experienced personal injury law firm can obtain a favorable outcome.

In an FTCA aviation case, the plaintiffs received $11.7 million in damages in a federal court after a two-week trial in March 2017. The victim, a 52-year old father and husband was killed in a plane crash that was caused by negligence of the U.S. Civil Air Patrol.

FTCA claims can be lengthy, and many personal injury law firms are not equipped to handle these complex cases. However, as experienced aviation and FTCA personal injury attorneys, our team at Conley Griggs Partin LLP is prepared to take on the federal government for our clients. Contact one of our offices in Georgia if you have lost a loved one in an aviation or other accident caused by federal government negligence.