General / Private Aviation Accident Lawsuits Lawyer
General aviation accidents, or those that occur in the private sector, are often fatalities, leaving the families of the victims to grieve their loss. In some of these aviation accidents, there may not be an obvious reason for the crash or the reported reason does not seem to make sense. If an error occurred or defective equipment caused the crash, the victim’s family deserve to know and may be able to pursue a general aviation lawsuit to obtain compensation for their loss.
General or private aviation accidents and lawsuits are much different than those in the commercial aviation arena. For instance, the General Aviation Revitalization Act protects manufacturers of small airplanes from product liability claims after 18 years, but many private planes are much older than that. In addition, there are fewer records and advanced technology on smaller planes to use to determine what caused the accident. Even if the error can be found, many plane owners have limited insurance to cover liability for an injury or fatality accident.
Experienced General Aviation Legal Team
If you have lost a loved one in a general or private airplane accident or you were injured when a helicopter crashed, you need legal representation that understands the aviation world. This is a unique area of law that not all firms have the experience or expertise to handle. Our team at Conley Griggs Partin LLP has many years of experience handling all types of aviation lawsuits, including those involving general and private aviation accidents. You will not find a law firm with better qualifications to handle your aviation accident case.
For the best private aviation injury accident legal advice in Georgia, contact our team at Conley Griggs Partin LLP. We work on a contingency-fee basis, and your first consultation with us is always free of charge.